Tiger Woods mistress: We have crazy Ambien sex

Im not even going to try to sum up all of the crap thats out there about Tiger Woods and his wife and his mistresses. The sheer volume of tabloid and mainstream media reports about this situation is overwhelming. So, if you need a recap of our coverage, go here or here or here. Anyway,

2009 Australian Masters - Day 3

I’m not even going to try to sum up all of the crap that’s out there about Tiger Woods and his wife and his mistresses. The sheer volume of tabloid and mainstream media reports about this situation is overwhelming. So, if you need a recap of our coverage, go here or here or here. Anyway, this report from Radar, the Enquirer and the New York Daily News was too good to pass up. The headlines are along the lines of “Tiger Woods mistress says Tiger took drugs” so I was preparing myself for some juicy Tiger-doing-blow-and-bangin’-hookers stories. That’s not the case, however. One of Tiger’s mistresses, Jaimee Grubbs, once worked at a medical marijuana facility. But Tiger didn’t even smoke the reefer! Grubbs claims (through friends’ recollections of her conversations) that she and Tiger used to have “crazy Ambien sex”. Yes, Ambien sex.

Tiger Woods secret extramarital life continues to yield new scandals.

Rachel Uchitel, the first woman publicly named as Tiger Woods’ mistress, told friends that she did drugs with the golfing legend before they had sex, RadarOnline.com is reporting exclusively.

That’s the second too-close drug mention for one of America’s perceived squeaky clean sports idols. RadarOnline.com reported exclusively Thursday that another of Tiger’s women, Jaimee Grubbs worked at a medical marijuana “pharmacy” at least until a month ago.

Now we’ve learned that Uchitel told friends that she and Tiger liked to have sex while taking the drug Ambien. Uchitel told one pal, ‘You know you have crazier sex on Ambien – you get into that Ambien haze. We have crazy Ambien sex.'”

Ambien is a sedative used for short-term treatment of insomnia. Many people claim it enhances sexual experience dramatically immediately after ingesting it.

Uchitel told several friends that she and Tiger had Ambien sex. She at first vehemently denied an affair with Tiger when the National Enquirer broke the story. After Tiger’s wild ride early-morning crash, Uchitel continued to deny the story and then decided to tell the truth.

She hired power attorney Gloria Allred who scheduled a news conference for Thursday, but then abruptly canceled it. RadarOnline.com reported exclusively that Tiger’s reps were in contact with Uchitel’s team the night before the news conference and a $1 million deal that would ensure her silence was discussed.

[From Radar]

Chuckle. “Crazy Ambien sex” is my new favorite sexual act. Jude Law and Sienna Miller are probably having crazy Ambien sex. Lindsay Lohan has crazy crack and Ambien sex. Question: if Ambien is a sleeping pill, wouldn’t “crazy Ambien sex” just mean that you were half-asleep while you were faking your orgasm?

In another piece of Tiger Woods’ mistresses news, the original one, Rachel Uchitel might not have done the press conference yesterday for reasons other than money. TMZ and the NYDN are reporting that Uchitel is “scared” because she knows too much. It just got Hitchcockian in here, y’all!

Tiger Woods did not pay purported gal pal Rachel Uchitel to cancel her expected dish-all news conference. She backed out because she was “scared for her safety,” sources told the celebrity gossip website TMZ.

The 34-year-old New York party girl cancelled the planned conference after a spate of late night phone calls with Woods, TMZ said Friday, citing unnamed sources.

Uchitel, one of three women identified as love interests of the married golfer, “walked away without taking a cent from Tiger Woods,” the website reported. “This was absolutely not about money.”

Sources told TMZ that Uchitel was “scared for her safety because she knows so much about Tiger, his alleged affairs and a variety of other Woods matters.”

“Rachel does not fear Tiger, as much as she fears all the other people caught in what is becoming a very large net,” the website reported.

Earlier, Uchitel’s lawyer, Gloria Allred, said the leggy blonde had pulled the plug on the press conference “due to unforseen circumstances.”

Woods and Uchitel purportedly carried on a steamy affair for several months, including a tryst in Melbourne, Australia, reportedly set up by the golfer’s childhood pal, Byron Bell.
Other women linked to Woods include Las Vegas night club exec Kalika Moquin, 27, and cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs.

Woods has publicly apologized for his self-confessed “transgressions” and is revising a prenuptual agreement to give his wife, Elin Nordegren, a staggering $55 million to keep her from walking a way with their two young children.

If Nordegren remains with the golfer for at least seven more years, she gets a cool $80 million, a “lawyer familiar with the couple’s negotiations” told Daily Beast reporter Gerald Posner.

[From The New York Daily News]

Haha… yeah. I don’t think it was because Rachel Uchitel ever knew too much about anything. I think she just wants some money, and she’s waiting for her story to be worth more. Oh, and by the way, we don’t have to call Uchitel Tiger’s “alleged” mistress anymore. TMZ just got proof that Tiger’s manager person arranged for Rachel to fly to Australia, just as the Enquirer alleged. What else… there are nude photos of Jaimee Grubbs floating around. Shocking. And Grubbs tells Us Weekly: “He told me he was very insecure about the size of his calves. He said, ‘I can’t grow calves.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, sorry!’” Chuckle. Why the hell do I believe every tabloid story about Tiger? Because they’re too tragic-comic not to!

AMBIEN UPDATE: Oh my f-cking God, this sh-t is priceless. Us Weekly just put up a new story about Tiger and Rachel Uchitel, and it involves Ambien too! Us Weekly says that Uchitel forwarded several of Tiger’s e-mails to her friends. And one of them involved a bizarre dream/fantasy/what-the-hell of Uchitel… well, just read Tiger’s words: “I had a dream we were married and I was leading the tournament. I came home, excited to see you, and there you were in the bedroom getting f–ked by Derek and David [Boreanaz]. Some part of me thinks you would like that…Now I can’t get back to sleep. My body is tired, but my mind is awake. Need an Ambien.” Oh. My. Ambien. This is ridiculous.

2009 Australian Masters - Day 3

