Courtney Stoddens Very Special Christmas photo op: spank me Santa!

My default reaction to Courtney Stodden is usually the side eye followed by some involuntary dry heaves, but this actually cracked me the hell up. It was like a parody from The Soup it was so over the top. Courtney, 17, staged a Very Special Christmas bikini photo op complete with her 51 year-old daddy

My default reaction to Courtney Stodden is usually the side eye followed by some involuntary dry heaves, but this actually cracked me the hell up. It was like a parody from The Soup it was so over the top. Courtney, 17, staged a Very Special Christmas bikini photo op complete with her 51 year-old daddy husband playing the Santa role. She used a bunch of cheesy euphemisms to enthuse about how she’d like to bang Santa, and she even read us her alliterative tweets. Courtney was wearing only a teeny shiny red bikini in very cold weather with snow on the ground, but of course it didn’t bother her since she’s not human at all. And of course Courtney’s evil mom was there, the mom that sold her daughter off to a dude older than her own husband and continues to shill this story to the press. Here’s more, from Radar, where you can see the photos. You can also see more at Egotastic. A video is above.

The Teen Bride and her 51-year-old husband Doug Hutchison celebrated Christmas early this year and has the photos from their provocative day in the snow.

Dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus, the happy couple couldn’t keep their hands off each other while they posed on Mt. Baldy in a series of sexy shots.

In a shiny tiny red bikini, 17-year-old Courtney sat on Santa’s lap to tell him exactly what it is she wants for Christmas.

And her present to Santa was popping out of the big wrapped box with all her buxom curves on display.

“I’ve never felt hotter in the cold snow!” Courtney told exclusively.

While the blonde bombshell’s momager, Krista, told “It was freezing, the photo people said she’s the toughest girl they’d ever seen. Everyone was freezing and she was in her bikini with her feet in the snow.”

Santa has definitely made his list and checked it twice and we bet Courtney has been pretty naughty this year!

[From Radar]

They were on Mt. Baldy. Is that genius or just a coincidence? I’ll repeat what I said in our last story on their prom dress photo op at the Grove: this means they’re getting desperate. There’s no reality show contract yet, they turned down a supporting role on a D-list VH1 reality show because the think they’re better than that (they’re not, they’re not even that good) and they’re holding out for more money and fame. They better take a hard look at the Octomom because they’re headed for a similar fate once the photo ops dry up. Courtney always has her “music career” to fall back on, and barring that, she can concentrate on bringing “back the classy beautiful edge of old Hollywood.” In her prescription drug-addled mind, that means a raunchier reality-show version of Benny Hill.

Here are some photos of Cats dressed up for Christmas just to cleanse your mind palate now.

