Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux spend entire days at home naked

This is just a funny filler story in Star Magazine, but I could buy it. Supposedly Justin Theroux loves to let it all hang out at home, and hes convinced Jennifer Aniston to join him. These two are said to enjoy lounging around naked and doing regular couple things completely nude. Its not just about

This is just a funny filler story in Star Magazine, but I could buy it. Supposedly Justin Theroux loves to let it all hang out at home, and he’s convinced Jennifer Aniston to join him. These two are said to enjoy lounging around naked and doing regular couple things completely nude. It’s not just about sexy times either. They’re so fit and comfortable in their skin that they don’t bother wearing clothes in the house.

Jen, 44, has… started to embrace her curves at home since longtime nudist Justin, 41, persuaded her to join in on the fun. One of Jen’s close confidants says that although the actress was hesitant at first, she now finds it extremely liberating. “Both of them have incredible bodies, so it relaxes them more,” spills a pal. “They spend entire days at home without any clothes on – and even cook naked.” Maybe Justin will wear his birthday suit at the wedding?

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 24, 2013]

Isn’t Aniston’s home under heavy construction and remodeling constantly? That makes this story suspect, because you know there are workers in and out of there.

I used to be much more modest until I lived in Germany. Everyone there is basically a nudist. You go to the lake with families around, you go to an awesome sauna, you go to the damn park to play frisbee – people are naked and doing their thing like it’s not biggie. If it’s hot, they’ll get naked. If their pants feel itchy, they’ll get naked. You really don’t need an excuse to disrobe in Germany. Of course you get the occasional creeper, but it’s completely socially acceptable and once you’re around it you’re like “what the hell I’ll get naked too.” So yes, I have been naked in co-ed situations that many Americans would consider nudism. I still like to wear a nice pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt at home though. I don’t like to sit on my furniture with a bare ass, that’s unhygienic. If my hot boyfriend/husband was like “be naked with me,” I would theoretically consider it, but my husband is German. He does that sh*t a lot and my response is always “put some pants on.” That’s the difference between dating couples and married couples. If these two got married, which I doubt they will, they’ll both be wearing clothes in no time.

These photos are from November and December, 2012. Credit: and FameFlynet

