Michelle and Bob Duggar have 18th child

The Duggar family in Arkansas are the stars of a weekly reality show on TLC about their huge family, and have been featured in documentary specials on Discovery Healthy about how they make it work with ever-increasing numbers of children. Theyre devout Baptists who follow the Quiverfull movement, which believes that all children are a

The Duggar family in Arkansas are the stars of a weekly reality show on TLC about their huge family, and have been featured in documentary specials on Discovery Healthy about how they make it work with ever-increasing numbers of children. They’re devout Baptists who follow the Quiverfull movement, which believes that all children are a gift from God and that they should have as many as possible. All of the children are home schooled and everyone learns to play an instrument. Both parents work as real estate developers and they live debt free. Sixteen children now live at home in Toritown, Arkansas, after their oldest son Joshua James, 20, got married this summer. The children all have names that start with “J” and their family includes 10 sons and now eight daughters.

Michelle Duggar just welcomed her 18th child yesterday, a little girl named Jordyn-Grace Makiya by family vote. Jordyn was born by c-section due to the baby being positioned horizontally. Her dad calls her “The ultimate Christmas gift from God.”

An Arkansas woman has given birth to her 18th child. Michelle Duggar delivered the baby girl by Caesarean section Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Rogers. The baby, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.

“The ultimate Christmas gift from God,” said Jim Bob Duggar, the father of the 18 children. “She’s just absolutely beautiful, like her mom and her sisters.”

The Duggars now have 10 sons and eight daughters.

Jim Bob Duggar said Michelle started having contractions Wednesday night. She needed the C-section, her third, because the baby was lying sideways. Jim Bob said both baby and mother were doing well Thursday night.

“We both would love to have more,” he said.

The cable network TLC broadcasts a weekly show about the Duggars, called “17 Kids and Counting.” Chris Finnegan of TLC _ which handles public relations for the Duggar family _ said the show’s name would be updated to account for the latest addition to the family. He said TLC also will air a show Monday on the baby’s delivery.

[From AP via The Huffington Post]

Yesterday we linked an interview with Michelle and Bob at Parentdish. They made it clear that they still enjoy a healthy sex life when Michelle is pregnant. Bob called Michelle “really cute when she’s pregnant,” while Michelle admitted “Having sex when I’m pregnant, I’m a little more tired.”

Michelle also revealed that it’s not all sweetness and light in their kid-filled home and kind of admitted that she doesn’t intervene much when her kids get in fights. “Right now I’ve got a lot of little boys who fight or argue with each other. Every 30 minutes there’s a major crisis over an owee or a toy. But I don’t get involved. They learn to work it out themselves.”

The family makes it work through schedules and something called the “buddy system” in which an older child will take responsibility for making sure a younger one is dressed and fed daily. There’s also got to be a healthy dose of indifference.

